Don Read Society

Established in 2024, the Don Read Society is a leadership giving society to support Grizzly Athletics through increasing of philanthropic revenues and to improving the overall student-athlete experiences for the 330+ who represent the Maroon & Silver.

Named in honor of the legendary former Head Football Coach, Athletic Director & Grizzly Athletics Hall of Fame Member, Don Read . The Don Read Society looks to continue to build upon the standard that Coach Read set. Coach Read not only pushed Grizzly Football to new heights but pushed Grizzly Athletics to be become who we are today.

Coach Read set the standard of Grizzly Athletics and it is our duty to continue where he left off and raise the bar even higher. 

The Don Read Society membership begins with a minimum pledge of $50,000 over a five-year period or donating an annual cash gift of $50,000.

Grizzly Athletic will establish its top priorities, but you as a Don Read Society member will have the flexibility to designate their gift to the fund of their choice. These funds may include, but not limited to:

  • Grizzly Scholarship Association
  • Athletics Success Fund
  • Sports Specific Giving
  • Endowment
  • Capital Projects

Though the Don Read Society is based in philanthropic giving, members will have unique stewardship opportunities based on your giving level. Membership in the Don Read Society has many advantages, but the biggest is knowing that you will be laying the groundwork for many Griz victories, on and off the field, for generations to come.

The Don Read Society recognizes those that are investing the most in Grizzly Athletics. According to giving level, donors are stewarded with exclusive access and events with University, Department staff and coaches.

Don Read Society memberships cannot apply to your GSA Priority Seating. It is important to note that gifts made to the Don Read Society are tax-deductible as allowed by federal income tax law. For more information on tax-deductibility, please CLICK HERE.