Women’s Tennis

Being a Courtside Tennis Club member means you have a direct hand in being a part of the growth and development of the Women’s Tennis program. The Women’s Tennis program players an environment that develops competitive people for real-world success. We utilize the college experience as a student-athlete to cultivate adaptable team leaders, communicate clearly, and have strong work ethics to be leaders at the University of Montana and beyond!

Thank you for your support,

Go Griz!

Head Coach

Steve Ascher

What is my gift used for?

Donations in support of the Women’s Tennis program go directly into Coach Ascher’s discretionary fund, which he can use for areas of greatest need. Areas include:

  • Scholarships – books, fees, room and board for student-athletes.
  • Team Travel – allowing our team to stay competitive by having the ability to travel to the best competition.
  • Equipment – providing racquets and other equipment needed to train and compete at the highest level.
  • Capital Projects – improving facilities that will directly impact the Women’s Tennis program.

To donate to the Women’s Tennis program please fill out the information below, call 406.243.6481, or send a check to the following address:

Women’s Tennis
Adams Center 139
Missoula, MT 59812

(Checks payable to the UM Foundation)

For information on the tax deductibility of your Women’s Tennis donation please CLICK HERE.

  • (406) 243-6481